Hi Everyone!
Both my boys have been sick (yet again....) so the last few days have been filled with laundry and disinfecting duties. While I haven't been able to spend much time in my stamp room I can still play around My Digital Studio 2 sitting at the kitchen table with a sleeping baby on my knee...(they don't call women multi-taskers for nothing LOL).
I've been toying with the idea of updating my Blog Banner but up to this point can't decide what I should change it to look like. I thought the best place to practice would be to play with the Timeline Cover Photo in Facebook. I enjoyed this so much I think I'll make it a monthly update on my Facebook Fan Page. One of the features I love about MDS is the opportunity to be as simple or as elaborate as you'd like.
If you would like to try this yourself I'll share with you the way I did it. I know that there are a few ways of doing this - this was the way I found easiest (its also the same way I created my Blog Banner as well). Open a new project in MDS2 and choose Custom Project. When it opens, choose 11" x 8 1/2" option then Create Project. From here name your project and its saving location and your ready to begin. Add your background papers, stamps, photos, and embellishments. Keep your design to the upper half (4") of your sheet or it will be cut off when you load it into Facebook. Another little tip is to not put any elements in the bottom left corner of your design. This is where your profile picture sits and any elements will be hid if located there. When your done designing click File and Save. Next, click Project - Share - Export Pages. Export to JPG. Change the size to Small (1100 pixels x 850 pixels). Now its as simple as Change Cover Photo when your in Facebook! If you find you are having issues with the size you can always open the file in Photoshop, crop, and re-size your image to 851 pixels x 315 pixels (FB cover photo size) before dropping it into Facebook.
If your curious about the elements I used in this design they are as follows:
Background: Tempting Turquoise Small Polka Dot
Stamps: Forever Young, bird from Elementary Elegance
Embellishments: Black zig zag stitching
Well, that's all for today. If you haven't checked out my Facebook Fan Page yet, please do. I try to post a few additional projects and tips on there when I can. I have a direct link to my page on the right hand side column. If you have any questions, please feel free to ask and I'll try my best to help!
Until next time...

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