Today I'm soaking up the sunshine...all -48 degrees Celsius of it! Brrr....I have dreams of sunshine, grass, and blue skies on my mind today - possibly inspiration for my next card!
Anyhow, I thought I would share this little frame I whipped up in My Digital Studio. I had seen the idea on Pinterest quite some time ago and had it stored away in my memory bank for a Valentine's Day post. I think it would make for a fantastic wedding or anniversary gift with a truly personalized touch. My plan is to hang this one over the fireplace in our bedroom along with a couple of pictures of the two of us.
I sized my canvas in MDS to 8" x 10" - but I would suggest sizing it a little smaller if you want it to fit a little better within an 8" x 10" frame. Lesson learned - I'll now have to find a frame slightly larger, or re-size and reprint the image. I think it might look fantastic in a floating frame...
If you have My Digital Studio or are thinking of taking the plunge, now might be the perfect time! From now until February 12th, many Digital Content Discs are on sale for $1.00 each! This is a crazy good deal since this discs originally ranged in price from $25-$38 per disc!
Keep in mind that these discs can only be purchase through the Clearance Rack. Click the Shop My Online Store button, then the Clearance Rack link, then Digital Content Discs to make your purchase(s). I've already placed my order, now its YOUR turn!
Until next time...